Presidential Candidate Agendas
Donald Trump is the endorsed Republican candidate for the 2016 Presidential election. Trump says he wants to stimulate the economy by creating a new tax. Companies often manufacture things out of the country, and then bring them back in to sell. To combat this, Trump claims he would instate a 35% tax on those goods, with the goal of bringing production back to the United States. Trump aims to lower taxes overall, and reduce the bracket system to three rather than seven tax brackets. He has stated that he would remove childcare from taxable income. In relation to the environment, Trump says he will allow natural gas and coal mining in the Continental Outer Shelf. He also plans to review the EPA’s Clean Power Plan, the Water of the United States rule, and the prohibitions on coal mining. He would strive to remove the Affordable Care Act, and replace with Health Savings Accounts. According to CBS News, Trump is Pro-Life. He also wants to rid the government of some programs that he deems inefficient. As for veterans, Trump plans to improve care if he is elected by removing some of the current Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) executives, and by making it compete for veteran’s business. He will accomplish this by allowing veterans to be treated with their Veteran ID card wherever Medicare is accepted. Furthermore, he wants to expand women’s healthcare. In regards to immigration, aside from the wall, he plans to increase deportation, raise fees on some visas, end birthright citizenship and require companies to hire Americans first. On the Second Amendment, Trump supports the right to gun ownership and advocates for the increase of concealed carry permits.
Hillary Clinton is the Democrat sponsored candidate for the 2016 Presidential Election. In order to fund current and new government programs, she plans to tax the wealthy at a higher percent than currently, including an extra 4% surcharge on those who make more than $5 million a year. To help with working-class families, she wants to provide tax relief for those who are taking care of an ill or elderly family member, or who have a lot of medical costs that are out of pocket. Clinton also plans to charge companies who are bringing profit from overseas back to the US an “exit tax”. Clinton advocates clean energy to help the environment. Her goal is to have 500,000,000 solar panels in the United States by the year 2020. She wants to stop drilling in the Arctic, and cut tax reductions for gas and oil companies. Clinton wants to build further on the Affordable Care Act, including increased funding of Planned Parenthood. In regards to abortion, she is pro-choice. She plans to reform the VA, but not by privatizing it. To avoid leadership problems that have occurred in the past, she says she will require more accountability. She wants to expand women’s health coverage. If outside private care is needed, she advocates for legislation that allows the VA to purchase the private care. In regards to immigration, Clinton wants to create a path to full and equal citizenship. She plans to allow any immigrant, regardless of their immigration status, to buy health insurance through the Affordable Care Act. She wants to enforce immigration laws, but not allow private immigration detention centers. As for the Second Amendment, Clinton plans to increase background checks, and keep “military style” guns off the streets.