When am I going to use this?

The question students have been asking around the globe ever since we can remember. When am I ever going to use this? Classes taught in schools, specifically the ones (on average) that can be difficult and time consuming, have many students asking questions. Courses such as math, chemistry, physics, etc. in high schools are strenuous at times and some say they should be optional. This is because not all students learn in the same was, some students won’t use what they’re learning in their future careers, and favored skills should be focused on so individual career paths can continue to strengthen.

Specific classes that are time consuming and very rough for certain individuals spark the question: Shouldn’t this be optional? Not all students fit in the learning category or way that many teachers focus on with the more demanding subjects. Students deserve the opportunity to learn the way they want to, so they can learn in the best way possible and still take something away from the end of the lesson.

In many cases of schoolwork, despite what many teachers claim, plenty of homework will not be helpful or even useful beyond high school years. The subject material will most likely not be seen again throughout college and career. In high school, many students have an idea of what they will want to work on and be doing after they graduate. We have planned out our ideas for college and career. However, if arduous classes such as chemistry, math, and others were optional, students would have more time to focus on their prefered skills and career paths. This would then further the professional complexity of the development in an individual’s prefered choice of education, and subsequently deepen an appreciation for one’s academics.

Many students would find their lives easier if specific core classes were optional. Students don’t always learn the same ways their peers do, Many classes are strenuously unnecessary compared to the need for future education, and more time would be given to the students’ prefered pathway of education. In the end, this all adds up as reasoning to why students will continue to ask the question: “When will I ever use this?”