Teacher Spotlight: Zachary Baggett


Zachary Baggett, a Visual Art Instructor, has been teaching at Herriman High School for four years. He teaches art and concurrent classes, including Art 1020, Art 1120 AP, Drawing, Drawing 2, and Painting 1+2, and creates live instruction videos of the courses mentioned. He enjoys skateboarding, video games, and listening to or making music. He is the teacher of the Green Earth Organization (GEO) club, and he actively participates in the art club, and Hearts of Gold.


His classroom has been described as a “safe room” and a “comfort space” by a few of his students, and students say, “it definitely shows!” Mr. Baggett strives to encourage and motivate students, 


There are over sixteen events that occur during the Hearts of Gold, and Mr. Baggett states that the closing assembly is his personal favorite. He states that, “You will remember the activities that you participate in for Hearts of Gold. It is a very meaningful way to make memories.”


This year for Hearts of Gold, Herriman High School has partnered with the Nixon Strong Foundation and Childhood Cancers. This foundation specializes in the financial support and treatment for childhood cancer. What many people do not know is that Mr. Baggett has a deep relationship with the morals and history of this organization.  “As a cancer survivor, I have a special view of the challenges that our host families are facing. I am filled with empathy and understand the impact that Hearts of Gold activities will have.” 


Mr. Baggett has been clear of cancer for the past four years, with treatments every now and then to ensure that it has not resurfaced. “Cancer is like a teeter-totter. Sometimes you gotta go down to go back up.” -John Kennedy, colon cancer survivor.

“I use my experiences to motivate my students to actively engage in the activities that Hearts of Gold provides. It is a fun-filled way to make a real impact.” Mr. Baggett posted an older video on April 20, 2020, speaking about his situation in his Cancer Treatment Monologue. He has shown it to a few of his classes this year. Students have said it was “eye opening” and “heartbreaking”. 


As Mr. Baggett has expressed, participating in Hearts of Gold is absolutely worth it. The memories you are making in high school will stay with you forever, and it benefits an amazing foundation.