Recipe: Vanilla Steamer

Needed (for a single serving):

– 8 oz white milk (2% – less or more depending on preferred creaminess)

– White cane sugar

– Vanilla extract

– Cinnamon stick

– Mug



Gather up your ingredients. Put the milk in your mug and heat it in the microwave for 2 increments of 45 seconds, or until warm. Be sure to stir thoroughly between microwaving.

Once the milk is sufficiently warmed, add a dab of vanilla extract. Seriously, just a drop or two. This stuff is brutal and you don’t want too much of it in your milk. After adding the vanilla, add sugar until the sweetness is acceptable to you.

Finish by stirring with a cinnamon stick. Let it steep in the steamer while you drink it.

If you want you can also garnish it with whipped cream, but it’s not necessary.