Hearts of Gold Follow-Up

2014’s Hearts of Gold was a huge success. As a school, we raised $62,000 in 19 days which is incredible. There was a strong bond created between the community and Herriman High students during the month of December.

The student government had the opportunity to be at every single event. Here are some comments they made:

“Wow, this year was so good. There was so much school involvement. Even though it was very stressful, everything was so worth it,” said Senior Class President Rachel Bischoff (‘15).

“This was my first year of Hearts of Gold and it was fantastic. All the people who were involved had awesome, life changing experiences,” said Sophomore Class Service Ale Caceres (‘17).

“I was amazed at the efforts made by the students, administration, and community. Everyone had fun and we got to know each other. I’m very proud of our school,” said Service SBO Landon McKissick (‘15).

After late nights at the school and countless coins given to the cause, students feel accomplished.

“We raised a lot of money. Odd jobs were fun because the people actually wanted to be there. The community did a great job helping any way they could so that was cool,” said Dustin Delaney (‘15).

Getting into the spirit of Hearts of Gold, a promise was made by the student government; Starting out at $53,000 before the closing assembly, Spirit SBO Taylor Bingham proudly announced that the guys would perm their luscious hair if we raised $60,000 by the end of the assembly. The girls also got involved, cutting five inches of their long locks.

With the success of this year and the bonds created, it’s hard to believe next year could be any better.