The Electoral College explained

The Electoral College is a process (not a place) that the founding fathers put in place to give the voting and election of the future President a safeguard in case the people, which is us, choose someone that could negatively affect our country. It’s comprised of the the House of Representatives and each state’s Senate. Okay, so why do I need to care about it? That’s a great question. The Electoral College is what initially elects our President. So, keeping up to date and informed about the Electoral College and how the election works is a really great thing. Instead of being upset over how your state voted collectively for the party you know you didn’t vote for, or how a president came into office, it’s great to be informed on how and why those incidents have happened. Why are some people against it? The Electoral College is not bound by law. They can ignore the popular vote, and choose which candidate gets their vote, just because they want to. It’s kind of a concern for most, because their representative could pick someone that not a lot of people in that area voted for. Some states though, so have laws/fines against this. Also, the electoral vote is just comprised of the electoral vote and what that state is initially known for voting. It only speaks for a few individuals, not allowing everyone to have their voice be heard. Why are some people for it? The Electoral College, is a safety net that Congress can fall back in if the people have voted for someone that Congress as a whole does not see fit for Presidency. Some people believe that having the Electoral College could keep “crazy” people from voting someone equally crazy into office.