What really is feminism?

Women’s rights is a continuing problem, even in this day and age. Women’s equality in America was established on August 18, 1920. Even with it legally written on paper many women still continue to fight for equality today, this is what most people call feminism. When you think of feminism you may think of women rallying together and chanting for equality, or maybe ev en women who refuse to shave and don’t wear makeup. This is not always the case. Feminism is defined as “the advocacy of women’s rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes” but a feminist can be thousands of different women believing thousands of different things.

Feminism is not all about equal rights. Women have equal rights according to the government, “historically, this meant that women should have the same legal, social, and governmental privileges as men” (The Hill). Feminists are looking for more equality. They want men to look at them with the same potential if not, even more potential than men.

There are many different types of feminism. You can’t classify the thousands of women who believe in different things under one group. According to my research there are about 5 different types of feminists. These include; eco feminism, marxist or socialist feminism, cultural feminism, liberal feminism, and radical feminism.

Ecofeminism: is the mixed beliefs of environmentalists and feminists. They believe that the, “‘values’ such as reciprocity, nurturing and cooperation, which are present both among women and in nature.” (Quora) These feminists don’t care for the politics involved in the world now. They more believe that they are a major part of the ecosystem.

Marxist or socialist feminism: is the belief that women cannot be free due to the majority of men in the workplace. These feminists “are subject to the male rulers in capitalism due to an uneven balance in wealth.” (Quora) This is where the work wage would come into play.

Cultural feminism: encourages women for who they are. They believe that women are stronger than men just for being a female. It is also said that if women were to be more in charge in a male-dominated world, “would presumably result in less violence and fewer wars” (Quora)

Liberal feminism: has more to do with the political side of feminism. They believe that “equality for women can be achieved through legal means and social reform.” (Quora) This is what most people think about when they think about feminists.

Radical feminism: is the argument that the only way to completely resolve women equality would be to completely “eliminate the concept of gender completely” (Quora) So that would be finding ways so that men and women can continue to produce and live on without each other. Or with each other with little to no recognition of what the gender is.

Feminism is a much wider concept than what it first appears to be. Even with these big categories that have been established you can still break these down into smaller areas. Just like political parties, feminism can be broken down into different categories and belief systems.