FFA: An inside look

When most people think of “FFA” (once standing for Future Farmers of America), they often think of the stereotypes found in Napoleon Dynamite: a bunch of rag-tag milk-tasting, egg-collecting farm boys looking to join the family business.  OK, maybe not THAT extreme, but the stereotypes are often there, when in reality FFA, now simply the National FFA Organization (FFA doesn’t stand for anything anymore), is so much more.

The FFA program provides students with a wide of opportunities in the field of agriculture and the science of biology.  Students learn through discussions, experiences of other students, and lots of hands-on activities.

FFA however, is not just a program about science and academics.  As it has evolved over the years, it has become a program to help students not just win competitions and learn about agriculture, but is a program that helps students become better people and citizens.

The activities FFA members participate in come in a wide variety. In an interview, Herriman High’s science teacher, Alisha Neil, who has been the FFA supervisor since the school opened four years ago, talked about the students’ experiences with FFA.  “They (the students) always love State Convention.  Socials (where the members get together and mingle over food and fun activities) are fun too,” she said.

Neil also talked about how Herriman’s FFA program is unique in comparison to others in the state.  Herriman High has been a part of this program since it first opened, but it is a very young school, therefore has the youngest program in the state.

Also, the city of Herriman and cities that draft students here have a diverse group of students; most familiar with urban lifestyle, but still some with lots of rural experience.

This diversity is unique to most schools in Utah who fund FFA, and it plays a huge factor in the activities done, and gives students the chance to broaden their exposure in culture, career paths, and gives them a chance to not only win competitions, but make new friends, serve others, and simply have fun!